Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stepping out of the Boat

Sometimes in life God asks you to do things you might not feel comfortable doing. Do you retreat or do you move forward? Almost 2 1/2 years ago, God asked my husband and I to church plant (AKA starting a church from the ground up). I was excited and pumped. Shortly after that, our senior pastor resigned and we needed to stay put where we were. We held this secret of what God had asked us to do for so long, that I got comfortable where I was at and kind of lost site of the true calling. When it was time to leave our church, I was scared and somewhat doubting if we were to do this. My husband, the great man of God that he is, had kept sites on the calling and knew we were to step out of the boat. We left our home church in May of this year and since then God has taken us on an amazing adventure. Not always on top of the mountain, sometimes in the valley, but God has always been there. Church planting can be encouraging and discouraging all in the same sentence at times. But we have to keep our sites set on the task God has asked us to do and know He could have asked anyone to do this, but He asked us. WOW, I'm so honored. Just like Peter, if you keep your eyes on Jesus you could walk on water, or church plant.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Taking control

Today is day 5 of the 21 day challenge of getting closer to God. Monday was the hardest, we had our kids birthday party and I had to pass on cake and ice cream but serve everyone else. Jesus was the example of being a servant. At the last supper Jesus served communion then took off his robe and washed the disciples feet. He was a true servant. Serving God is an honor. Serving is one of the hardest things to do at times. Its not always easy to serve, however we like to be served. As we walk closer to God in the weeks to come, serve your neighbor. It can be as simple as blowing some of their leaves into your yard to rake up. Kathy and Lisa may never know I did this, but God knows.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fasting for control

God has impressed upon my spirit that I need to be in control of my addiction to sweets. I have decided to fast sweets for 21 days. I have realized that this is one area of my life where something controls me. Today I knew that starting tomorrow, no sweets for 21 days. Todays breakfast consisted of 2 pieces of pumpkin pie, as I cooked lunch I had to eat another piece, and before I left for church, yet another piece. I'm out of control..... If I can let sweets control me, what else could potentially slip through the door to be in control. Fasting is self denial. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness, as our example. Jesus denied himself while walking to the cross for us. Fasting brings you closer to a living Savior who knows and understands what you are going through. Take a moment to reflect on your life. Is there something in your life that has control over you. Only God can help you break bondage when you are not in control. By being in control means, walking with God in a new way, depending on Him for your strength. Join the 21 day challenge to deepen your journey with God.