Sometimes in life God asks you to do things you might not feel comfortable doing. Do you retreat or do you move forward? Almost 2 1/2 years ago, God asked my husband and I to church plant (AKA starting a church from the ground up). I was excited and pumped. Shortly after that, our senior pastor resigned and we needed to stay put where we were. We held this secret of what God had asked us to do for so long, that I got comfortable where I was at and kind of lost site of the true calling. When it was time to leave our church, I was scared and somewhat doubting if we were to do this. My husband, the great man of God that he is, had kept sites on the calling and knew we were to step out of the boat. We left our home church in May of this year and since then God has taken us on an amazing adventure. Not always on top of the mountain, sometimes in the valley, but God has always been there. Church planting can be encouraging and discouraging all in the same sentence at times. But we have to keep our sites set on the task God has asked us to do and know He could have asked anyone to do this, but He asked us. WOW, I'm so honored. Just like Peter, if you keep your eyes on Jesus you could walk on water, or church plant.